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Helpful cemetery advice

Who is responsible for the cemeteries?

Plymouth City Council, Bereavement Services, however for the day-to-day running of the cemeteries please contact the relevant cemetery office.

Can I buy or reserve a grave?

Since 1975 graves are no longer sold in perpetuity (i.e. freehold) but can be leased for 25, 50 or 100 years. Leases can be purchased in advance

What memorials can be placed on a grave or within the grounds?

You cannot place memorials such as headstones, kerbs, vases or crosses without the deed holder's permission and the approval of the cemetery. Various memorials are permitted within the cemetery grounds and the cemetery office can provide details and the relevant authority. No glass, pottery, wind chimes, flags, windmills, lighting including solar, balloons or fencing are allowed.

When can a memorial be erected on a grave and how do I get approval?

We recommend at least six months after the interment to allow the ground sufficient time to settle so that the memorial will be secure and after approval has been granted by the cemetery office. Discuss your requirements with the cemetery office or an approved monumental mason who will advise you.

Who is responsible for keeping the grave memorials in good repair?

This is the deedholder's responsibility, therefore it is advisable to take out insurance. Your monumental mason can advise you.

Are chippings or gravel allowed on a grave?

No, in order to keep the grass maintained we have to use strimmers which means that chippings, etc. are a hazard.

Why are there restrictions?

Apart from health and safety, there is also the appearance of the cemetery grounds to be considered. Things which you feel are acceptable may be dangerous, look untidy or be out of place in a cemetery environment. It helps all of us if you can be considerate and keep to the regulations.

Can my memorial be damaged when new or reopened graves are dug?

All our cemeteries remain operational and we may need to dig a new grave or reopen an existing grave that is adjacent. Any soil from freshly dug graves is placed on flat boards usually on the adjoining grave. Any headstone is covered and the grave re-instated immediately after the interment.

Can cremated remains be interred or scattered within the cemeteries?

Cremated remains can be scattered in our memorial gardens at Efford or Weston Mill. They can be interred or scattered on a grave with the deedholders approval or there are burial plots and sanctum vaults for the interment of cremated remains. Contact the relevant cemetery office for full details and permission.

How can I keep the cemeteries looking tidy?

By keeping to the regulations, by removing all wrapping from flowers before placing them on graves, vaults or in the Garden of Remembrance and by removing all dead flowers. Please dispose of your waste in the appropriate litter bins

How often are graves maintained?

The grass is cut on a rota maintenance programme at all four cemeteries along with five closed churchyards for which Plymouth City Council are responsible. With the approval of the deedholder, families are welcome to keep their graves neat and tidy.

How can I trace a family grave?

The cemetery office has details of all cremations and burials within their grounds. Please contact the relevant office.

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